Silhouettes of a Man & a Woman

For the Love of Women, Fellow Men, Stop It

. . .one might say that man is more rational, but a woman is more intelligent.  Reason has to do with taking logical steps to reach a conclusion, but intelligence relates to grasping immediately.  The angels have intelligence but not reason, they “see” automatically without recourse to the successive reasoning process.  Men break down & analyze, women, understand with an immediacy (sometimes called “women’s intuition”).  This difference causes stress in the relationship because men need reasons for everything, but women somehow know. . .

by Matt Robinson,

of Catholic Stand

Live Perpetual Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament – Adorecast
Caption This: Pope Francis & Michael Moore – Donald R. McClarey J.D., TACatholic
Eyewitness Accounts of Encounters with Ghosts from Purgatory – RJ Staudt PhD, NC Reg
Stephen Hawking: Great Scientist, Lousy Theologian – Bishop R. Barron S.T.D., The CWR
Bringing Sex Back – Emily Zinos, First Things
Archimandrite Robert Taft, S.J., R.I.P. – Gregory DiPippo, New Liturgical Movement
Brick by Brick in Florida! New Sunday T.L.M. Established – Fr. Z’s Blog
We Can’t Celebrate Asia Bibi’s Acquittal Until We Know She’s Safe – Fr Lucie-Smith PhD
How to Gain a Plenary Indulgence for the Souls in Purgatory – P. Armstrong, NC Register
We Shall Meet – Fr. Benedict Kiely, First Things
Good News for the Church in Catholic Liberal Education – Mic. van Hecke, Newman Soc.
UnChristian Equalities – Regis Nicoll, Crisis Magazine
White House’s Plan for Birthright Citizenship Flawed, Says CUA Law Prof – The CWR
Loving God: The 31st Sun. in O.T. Readings Explained – J. Bergsma Ph.D., The Sacred Pg
What Are American Values – Donald R. McClarey J.D., The American Catholic
How To Style Yourself When Your Size Is Changing – Meghan Ashley Styling (Catholic)
The Dawn of Justice – Erin Cain, Ignitum Today
C.S. Lewis & Aristotle on Civic Friendship – Micah Watson Ph.D., Mercatornet
Human Dignity in the Public Square – Michael Cook, Mercatornet
Note: A new post is published daily at 12:01 am U.S. Central Time